Robert Graham
Curated Exhibitions
Anthology Essays
Catalogue Essays
Conference Papers
Other Works
Three Montréal Photographers+: Tom Gibson, Donigan Cumming and Michel Campeau (2021)
Gabor Szilasi: L’éloquence du quotidien (2013)
Claude-Philippe Benoit’s Survivals (2006)
Seeing to Care: Roger Lemoyne Photographs 1995-2003 (2005)
The Immediacy of War Pictures: Fugitive Images and the “Soda-Straw Effect” (2003)
What are you looking at? (2001)
Undue Influence: Photography’s Powers (2001)
Picture This! Documenting the Future (2001)
Curated Exhibitions
Three Montréal Photographers+: Tom Gibson, Donigan Cumming and Michel Campeau (2021)
Picture This! Documenting the Future (2001)
Anthology Essays
Here’s Me! or The Subject in the Picture (1990)
Catalogue Essays
World Line: Bill Vazan’s Spherical Geosophy (2018)
Gabor Szilasi: L’éloquence du quotidien (2013)
Animal/Vegetable/Mineral: Michel Campeau’s Acts of Succession (2007)
Claude-Philippe Benoit’s Survivals (2006)
Seeing to Care: Roger Lemoyne Photographs 1995-2003 (2005)
The Immediacy of War Pictures: Fugitive Images and the “Soda-Straw Effect” (2003)
What are you looking at? (2001)
Undue Influence: Photography’s Powers (2001)
Picture This! Documenting the Future (2001)
La diplomatique ou l’évolution du document (1999)
Here & Elsewhere: Canadian Photographers of Latin America (1991)
Regions of Photography and War (1989)
Documentary and the Powers of Description (1986)
Veiled Relations: The Fabric of Sorel Cohen’s Work (1986)
War/Photography: Images of Armed Conflict and Its Aftermath (2014)
Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal 1999 (2000)
Annie Liebovitz: Squint for effect (1994)
Reconstructing Modernism: Art in New York, Paris and Montréal 1945-1964 (1991)
Bill C-54 (1988)
Contemporary Canadian Photography (1986)
Aurora Borealis: Meliorist Underground (1985)
Reflections: Contemporary Art Since 1964 at the National Gallery of Canada (1984)
David Bolduc / E(x)changes / Chromazone (1984)
Sorel Cohen (1983)
The battle of the buildings continues (1982)
Points of View: Photographs of Architecture (1981)
Photographies en Couleur / Colour Works (1980)
Neighbourhood Watch: Health and Care in the Videography of Donigan Cumming (2017)
Under a Campeau Blue Sky (2001)
De villes en déserts: Alain Chagnon’s Recent Road Work (2000)
Architecture Without Walls: Notes on the Home and Office, Atelier in situ and Discreet Logic (1999)
Disability Without Tears: The Neutralization of the Grotesque (1998)
The Canadian Centre for Architecture: Phyllis Lambert’s magnum opus: expanding categories, moving boundaries (1989)
Observations of (and from) Contemporary Landscape (1986)
Fashion, Envy & the Gift (1985)
Ritual and Camera (1985)
Ceci Tuera Cela: The Fate of a Notion (1984)
Donigan Cumming: undoing documentary (1984)
Tom Gibson – Among the Naturalists (1981)
Conference Papers
Introducing graphic medicine: care and comics (2017)
Imagined Geographies: Artists and Maps (2007)
“Thief” – Michael Mann’s Human Geography Lesson (2006)
Combat Photography (2003)
Picture This! Documenting the Future (2001)
Discussions: art and criticism in the eighties (1984)
The Message of the Bottle: Some Significations of Wine (in preparation)
Other Works
The Parthenon of (Forbidden) Books (2018)
Understanding artscanada : history, practice and idea (1988)